Glutes, hamstrings, abs and lower back stretching session.
30minutes, Egoscue, Stretching Routines, Ⓐ Level A Athletes
The best kept secret in coaching
30minutes, Egoscue, Stretching Routines, Ⓐ Level A Athletes
15minutes, home equipment, Strength, Ⓐ Level A Athletes
Yoga For Psoas is a 20-minute yoga practice that targets the Psoas muscle inviting a combination of release, strengthening, and stabilizing. Anchor in the sound of the breath and enjoy. Repeat this practice regularly to avoid back pain, tightness in hips, and overall tension in the body. Preventative care is the best care!
Yoga For Swimmers is an excellent practice for the shoulders, the chest, the spine, the legs and your core. Perfect for anyone gearing up for summer! Connect mind and body so you can stay injury free, aligned and balanced. Focus on sensation over shape. Take your time. Explore and guide with your breath. Control your breath and control your life. Literally.
Yoga For Runner's - or joggers, or brisk walkers. This practice offers great release and rehab after a good run or cardio. Also, a wonderful practice to repeat to up or maintain your running or cardio game. This sequence stays low to the ground. Use the breath to stretch and soothe the muscles of the body, stabilize the joints, and Find What Feels Good. This 30 min practice uses the principles of yoga to cultivate balance and find ease. Thirty minutes of practice to allow, release, balance, and restore!
Yoga for Cyclists is designed for cyclists but is a great full body practice for everyone. A well rounded practice that will leave you feeling present, stretched out and open. Relieve stress and tension in the neck, open the shoulders, the chest, the hips, the hamstrings, the feet. Activate through your core and learn to activate in all the places that support you through the spine, the center plumb-line. This practice invites you to really pay attention to the body in a way that will up your game in sport and in life. Physically, yes. But mentally too.
Stretching, Stretching Routines
This series of stretching sessions is designed and targeted towards larger and tighter muscles groups. Hold the positions in a controlled and slow motion. (Never go deeper than an RPE of 6 on a scale from 1-10.)
Muscles involved: Abdominal external oblique muscles.
Execution: Straighten up with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Extend your arms to the sides. Your right foot looks outward, and your left foot is turned at 90 degrees to your upper body. Put your right hand on your right shin, and, by keeping your back straight, raise your other arm. At the same time, move your pelvis backward and down. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
The sidelying quad stretch is a great way to get a good stretch to your quads. Being on the floor in a supported position can help you focus in on the stretch in your quads. Here is how you do the sidelying quad stretch:
Lie on your side.
Bend the knee of your top leg as far as you are able.
Maintain position for 30 seconds.
Return to starting position.
Repeat exercise 3 to 5 more times with each leg.
The butterfly stretch exercise stretches your inner thighs, groin, hips, and lower back. If you are prone to lower-back discomfort, take extra care to lean forward from your hips rather than rounding your lower back. This exercise may also cause some knee discomfort.
Hold the lifted straightness of the back leg and rotate your pubic bone toward the wall. If possible, hold that position and extend your arms upwards, lengthening upwards also through the side chest and the crown of your head.
Hold for five breaths and repeat for the other side.