30minutes, Egoscue, Stretching Routines, Ⓐ Level A Athletes

★EGOSCUE Neck, Shoulder, Lower body stretch routine - (20-30min)

#1 GRAVITY STRETCH - Hold for 3 minutes on stairs

#2 Six Minutes  Place your forehead on a small towel and breathe and relax.

#2 CACTUS - Six Minutes Place your forehead on a small towel and breathe and relax.

#3 WALL HAMSTRING STRETCH - Two Minutes straight up and then split for 2 minutes

#4 SLEEPERS STRETCH - Two Minutes each side. Rest your head on a pillow.

#5 KNEELING WALL QUAD STRETCH -1min 30 seconds each side.

#6 FLOOR BLOCK - 1 Minute in each of the three positions

#7 BONUS extra credit! 👇🏻

#7 BENCH POSE HIP FLEXOR STRETCH - Right leg on the ground first lay there for 15-25 minutes. Left leg down 15-25 Minutes