
Extended triangle pose - oblique stretch 유

Muscles involved: Abdominal external oblique muscles.

  • Execution: Straighten up with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Extend your arms to the sides. Your right foot looks outward, and your left foot is turned at 90 degrees to your upper body. Put your right hand on your right shin, and, by keeping your back straight, raise your other arm. At the same time, move your pelvis backward and down. Repeat the exercise on the other side.


Side-lying quadricep stretch 유

The sidelying quad stretch is a great way to get a good stretch to your quads. Being on the floor in a supported position can help you focus in on the stretch in your quads. Here is how you do the sidelying quad stretch:

  1. Lie on your side.

  2. Bend the knee of your top leg as far as you are able.

  3. Maintain position for 30 seconds.

  4. Return to starting position.

  5. Repeat exercise 3 to 5 more times with each leg.


Butterfly hip groin stretch 유

The butterfly stretch exercise stretches your inner thighs, groin, hips, and lower back. If you are prone to lower-back discomfort, take extra care to lean forward from your hips rather than rounding your lower back. This exercise may also cause some knee discomfort.

Hold the lifted straightness of the back leg and rotate your pubic bone toward the wall. If possible, hold that position and extend your arms upwards, lengthening upwards also through the side chest and the crown of your head.

Hold for five breaths and repeat for the other side.


High lunge hip flexor stretch 유

This strong exercise requires your hamstring and glute to work to straighten the back leg. Step up to a wall with your left toes about five centimetres away. Step back with your right foot until your left thigh is parallel with the ground, while your knee remains directly above the ankle. Place your fingertips on the wall. With the right heel lifted, rotate the right outer thigh down and broaden and lift the right hamstring to straighten the right leg.

Hold the lifted straightness of the back leg and rotate your pubic bone toward the wall. If possible, hold that position and extend your arms upwards, lengthening upwards also through the side chest and the crown of your head.

Hold for five breaths and repeat for the other side.


Reclining hip flexor stretch 유

Lie back on the floor and bring your knees above your hips with bent legs. Cross your left foot across your right knee, so that your left knee sticks out to the side. Place your hands on the back of your right knee and gently draw it toward you. This will stretch various hip flexors on your left side.

Hold or gently increase the stretch for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat with the right knee out to the side.