breakfast 45min activity

Up to 5hrs/week training

4-Ingredient Smoothie

With 17 grams of protein in this low-calorie drink offers a filling and healthy breakfast option thats quick to whip up. You can use raspberries, blueberries and strawberries, but any fruit combination would work in this versatile recipe. Lean endurance takeaways;

  • High in protein to satiate

  • Lower in total calories based on a lower training volume day or week.

  • High in fiber; foods containing fiber can provide other health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.

Up to 5hrs/week training

Sweet Potato Breakfast Burritos

If you’re in the habit of grabbing a hot egg sandwich on your way to work, this breakfast burrito by is for you. Make these burritos in advance, then wrap them up and freeze. When you wake up in the morning, simply pop one in the toaster oven to heat while you’re getting ready, then take it with you on the go - genius! Lean Endurance take;

  • Warm breakfast meals help to satiate as does protein.

  • This is a great way to fill up for the day and no “break the bank”.

  • A mix of fiber and protein to keep you full.

  • Sweet potatoes - the suer food of being regularly active!

Up to 10hrs/week training

Quinoa-Oat Granola With Fruit and Seeds + Banana

Most commercial granola is loaded with refined sugars, but this DIY version has only 5g of added sugar per serving. This easy, homemade granola using oats and quinoa relies on the natural sweetness of maple syrup and freeze-dried fruit. Look for freeze dried berries and mangoes where coconut chips and dried fruit are sold and be sure to tightly seal the bag after opening or the fruit becomes soft instead of crispy. Serve the granola with Greek yogurt and fresh fruit.

Up to 10hrs/week training

Bran muffin + Banana

The good; Fiber is a nutrient present in plant foods, the part that the human body cannot digest. In addition to filling your stomach so you're satisfied after a meal, fiber might also reduce the risk of certain health problems. The Harvard School of Public Health notes that fiber can lower cholesterol, which helps protect you from heart disease. Getting plenty of fiber in your diet might also lower your chances of developing type-2 diabetes, constipation and certain types of cancer, such as prostate and breast cancer, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Things to watch; Watch the total sugar content, some bran muffins have extra added sugars.

Up to 10hrs/week training, Up to 5hrs/week training

Baked Eggs with Wilted Baby Spinach

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 454; Total Fat: 27g; Saturated Fat: 5g; Monounsaturated Fat: 15g; Cholesterol: 204mg; Sodium: 563mg; Carbohydrate: 27g; Dietary Fiber: 3g; Sugar: 5g; Protein: 25g

-5hrs/wk training, Up to 10hrs/week training

Go-Lean Crunch

An excellent source of carbohydrate, protein and fiber this food choice is excellent for its crunch factor and that it keeps you feeling fuller longer. The total fiber count is high per serving which the body must use added energy to break down. Also it is low in total sugar. Lean endurance take;

  • Kashi GoLean cereals contain between 9 and 13 g of protein per serving

  • Eating more protein in the morning can help prolong the feeling of satiety, or fullness.

  • GoLean cereals contain between 7 and 10 g of fiber and can promote weight loss in several different ways.

  • High-fiber foods generally take longer to chew, so they allow your brain more time to register a feeling of fullness, which helps you eat less.

  • High-fiber foods also tend to be low in calories and take longer to digest, which prolongs feelings of satiety.

  • Because Kashi GoLean is low in calories and can help keep you feeling fuller longer than many common breakfast foods, substituting your current breakfast with GoLean cereals may help you reach your daily energy deficit.

  • Example, a bagel with cream cheese contains 259 calories. (reference 6) Eating GoLean hot cereal for breakfast will save you 109 calories.