
Up to 10hrs/week training

Low fat chocolate milk

Assess your exercise intensity first, and with more intensive exercise chocolate milk is a great choice for recovery. Downing a post-workout beverage chock-full of carbohydrates probably isn't ideal for low intensity sessions however. A drink like chocolate milk is most useful to a cyclist, swimmer, or long-distance runner. These sports stress high endurance levels and constant, sustained movement. Competing athletes need high levels of calories, carbs, and protein to sustain that level of performance. Lean endurance take;

  • Research points to the importance of a post-exercise "meal" within 30 to 60 minutes of working out, at the point when muscle glycogen (energy) stores are at their lowest.

  • The chocolate content will active insulin which will increase amino acid and glucose uptake, which is important for enhancing recovery from exercise.

Up to 5hrs/week training

4-Ingredient Smoothie

With 17 grams of protein in this low-calorie drink offers a filling and healthy breakfast option thats quick to whip up. You can use raspberries, blueberries and strawberries, but any fruit combination would work in this versatile recipe. Lean endurance takeaways;

  • High in protein to satiate

  • Lower in total calories based on a lower training volume day or week.

  • High in fiber; foods containing fiber can provide other health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.