
Up to 5hrs/week training

Breakfast Quinoa

Start your day off right with breakfast quinoa—a quick, nutritious and filling meal. Enjoy endless variations of fruits, nuts and milks with nutty quinoa. Lean Endurance take;

  • Quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein and one of the few plant foods that contain sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids..

  • It is also high in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and various beneficial antioxidants.

  • Very High in Fiber, Much Higher Than Most Grains

  • Gluten-Free

  • Has a Low Glycemic Index, Which is Good for Blood Sugar Control; think lower insulin which means a higher fat burning daily profile.

  • High in protein which can both increase metabolism and reduce appetite significantly.

Up to 5hrs/week training, Up to 10hrs/week training

Muesli almond milk and banana

Muesli is often likened to granola, but it’s typically a more natural option with less sugar, making it the healthier option of the two. So, why else should you favor this mish-mash first thing in the morning? Here are eight other reasons you should consider this meal replacement option... Lean endurance take;

  • It’s Healthier Than Other Cereals; Sugary cereals and delicacies from your local doughnut shop may be tempting, but they’re full of sugar, and who knows what else.

  • Muesli often has less sugar and fewer calories than pastries and breakfast sandwiches. Plus, since you control your concoction, you can make sure nothing processed or full of sugar makes its way into your meal.

  • It’s High in Fiber and Whole Grains; While it’s hard to gauge exactly how much fiber is in muesli because there are so many different combinations one can make, the dish is typically high in fiber and whole grains — both of which are good for your digestive system. Fiber and whole grains can regulate your digestive tract.

  • You’ll Stay Fuller, Longer; Not only do fiber and whole grains help keep your tummy in check, they’re also filling. You won’t find yourself starving for a doughnut shortly after eating. Additionally, raw oats contain a ton of resistant starch, making muesli an extremely filling breakfast that takes a long time to digest. As the resistant starch is broken down in your stomach, digestive acids that suppress your appetite are released and your metabolism speeds up, so you’ll burn more calories in less time. 

  • It’s Good for Your Heart

  • It’s Satisfying

  • You Can Add Protein…And pretty much whatever else you want! Adding nuts can incorporate protein and omega-3 fatty acids into your breakfast, while other ingredients like fruit can give you a healthy dose of potassium, fiber, vitamin E, C, B-12, and more.

  • You’ll Avoid Eating Something Unhealthy; By choosing muesli as your go-to breakfast, you’ll save yourself from potentially eating something fattening or full of sugar that could damage your health, and your waistline.

    With muesli, you’ll be making a smart breakfast decision that will benefit you all day long.

Up to 10hrs/week training, Up to 5hrs/week training, -5hrs/wk training

Cereal - moderate to high in sugar

While breakfast is key to your day as an athlete, cold cereals that are moderate to high in sugar are low in nutrition value. Reasons why you should not eat them for breakfast.

  • Leaning out is harder to do with high amounts of sugar in the diet.

  • High sugar cereals will give you great immediate energy and then drop you hard when your blood sugar crashes due to insulin spikes.

  • They rot your teeth.. yup, cavities and the dentist await.

  • When is a better time to eat sugary cereals? After a long and long and or hard workout when the body is primed to receive glucose to top off glycogen stores. The insulin response timed then will be at its lowest as you are most sensitive to insulin after a depleting workout. High levels of insulin lead to weight gain and stored fat.

-5hrs/wk training, Up to 10hrs/week training

Go-Lean Crunch

An excellent source of carbohydrate, protein and fiber this food choice is excellent for its crunch factor and that it keeps you feeling fuller longer. The total fiber count is high per serving which the body must use added energy to break down. Also it is low in total sugar. Lean endurance take;

  • Kashi GoLean cereals contain between 9 and 13 g of protein per serving

  • Eating more protein in the morning can help prolong the feeling of satiety, or fullness.

  • GoLean cereals contain between 7 and 10 g of fiber and can promote weight loss in several different ways.

  • High-fiber foods generally take longer to chew, so they allow your brain more time to register a feeling of fullness, which helps you eat less.

  • High-fiber foods also tend to be low in calories and take longer to digest, which prolongs feelings of satiety.

  • Because Kashi GoLean is low in calories and can help keep you feeling fuller longer than many common breakfast foods, substituting your current breakfast with GoLean cereals may help you reach your daily energy deficit.

  • Example, a bagel with cream cheese contains 259 calories. (reference 6) Eating GoLean hot cereal for breakfast will save you 109 calories.