Abs and back specific strength training
Workout Routines, no equipment, Ⓐ Level A Athletes, 30minutes
The best kept secret in coaching
Workout Routines, no equipment, Ⓐ Level A Athletes, 30minutes
Begin by sitting on a bench or chair and elevate one leg while keeping the other foot, grounded and steady, on the floor.
Place your arms straight out in front of you, and lean slightly forward to transfer your body weight onto your grounded foot.
Using a combination of glute, quadricep, and hamstring strength, lift your body up to standing position.
Stand strong, briefly, before lowering yourself steadily back to the seated position.
Start on all fours with your knees directly under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.
Keep your belly drawn in, shoulders back and down, and your spine in a long line. Place a light (3- to 8-pound) dumbbell in the crook of your left knee. (May be done with our without weights.)
Use the power of your right glute to balance and the power of your left glute to lift up your leg.
Flex your foot and raise your knee up a little higher than your hips. Maintain your balance by distributing your body weight equally over both hands and your lowered knee.
Workout Routines, Strength, 15minutes, no equipment, Ⓐ Level A Athletes
NOTE: This may be done with our without weights. If you are not able to have dumbbells, or kettlebell, you may use any object of similar size and weight. 2-10lbs. Place one kettlebell on a stool approximately six to twelve inches high. Stand in front and slightly under the stool with the feet a couple of inches apart. Begin a single leg hip hinge by reaching back with one leg and creating a straight line.
Grasp the kettlebell firmly making sure that the shoulder girdle is depresses and retracted. Keep the spine perfectly aligned by engaging the lats and push the static foot into the ground with the big toe and heel. Slowly hip hinge and stand back up with straight arms as the kettlebell move to the sides and the feet come together.
Return the kettlebell to the bottom of the stool by reversing the movement. Repeat this movement for the desired repetitions and then change legs.
Stretching Routines, Ⓐ Level A Athletes
The Iliotibial tract band – IT band – is a long ligament that runs down the outside of your upper leg. This band of tissue connects to the hip via the tensor fascia latae (TFL) and the gluteus maximus and to the knee via the tibialis anterior and the peroneus longus. The IT band helps to stabilize and move the knee joint, and tightness or inflammation of this band can lead to problems like IT band syndrome and knee and hip pain.
A common misconception about the IT band is that you can stretch it. However, because the IT band is a ligament, not a muscle, you need to stretch the muscles connected to it. Stretching a tendon or ligament can lead to injury.
Starting Position: Lie flat on your back on the floor / mat adjacent to a wall edge (corner) or in a door jam. Elevate one leg to rest against the wall while the other leg will lie flat on the floor / mat past the wall edge or door jam. Adjust your position to allow you to rest as much of the back of the elevated leg against the wall without having to lift your hips off the floor and point your toes towards the ceiling. Extend your arms outwards at shoulder level with palms facing upwards and stiffen (“brace”) your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine.
Workout Routines, home equipment, Strength, 45minutes, swiss ball, Ⓐ Level A Athletes
Grab a Stretch-Out Strap, a towel, a rope, two belts fastened together—whatever.
Loop one end around one of your feet and hold the other in the same side hand
Lie on the edge of your bed with one leg planted on the ground and the other flat on the bed and parallel to the edge of the bed. The one on the bed should be the one that the strap is looped around.
Prop your torso up on your elbows.
Scoot the planted foot as far forward (toward your head) as possible. Doing so, you might feel a hamstring stretch in the planted leg.
Pull on the strap, bringing your foot toward your shoulder blades. Hold 30 seconds and repeat for each leg as needed.
30minutes, Egoscue, Stretching Routines, Ⓐ Level A Athletes
Stand with your back against a wall with feet and knees hip width apart and feet pointed straight.
Walk your feet away from the wall while sliding your body down at the same time.
You will be "seated" in an invisible chair, with your knees bent to 105 degrees.
Your hips are just slightly higher than your knees; your ankles are slightly ahead of your knees.
Your lower back should be completely flat against the wall.
Your arms can hang down to your sides, or rest your hands gently on your lap.
Hold as directed on your menu.
Keep the weight in your heels, do not press forward on your toes.
Lie on your back with one leg up over your inflatable large block or chair.
Your other leg is straight out on the floor with it propped up from the side.
Your arms should be at 45 degrees with your palms up. Relax your upper body and notice that your low back should begin to get flatter to the floor the longer you are in this position.
HOLD and relax, then repeat on other leg. (Lay in this position for a minimum of 5min and up to 20minutes for each side, left and right)
Position 1-Lie on your stomach propped up on your elbows, your elbows should be directly under your shoulders.
Tuck your toes under and bridge your body off the floor.
Without moving your elbows, pull your hands apart and let your shoulder blades collapse together.
Position 2-3- Lie on your side propped up on your elbow with the other arm resting along your body and your feet stacked on top of each other.
Lift your hips up off the floor and let your shoulder blades come together.
Position 4-Lie on your back propped up on your elbows.
Flex your feet so you toes point to the ceiling and contract your thighs.
Lift your hips/buttocks up off the floor keeping your toes pulled back and feet straight.
As you lift your hips off the floor, try to think about pushing your chest to the ceiling and allowing your shoulder blades to come together.
Stretching, no equipment, Egoscue
Lie on one side in the fetal position with your arms straight out from your shoulders in front of you.
Stack your knees one directly atop the other, where they should remain throughout the e-cise.
Open the top arm, lifting it up and over your body to the other side letting it rest to the floor or as close to the floor as you are able.
Move your head to look in the same direction as that arm.
Do NOT let your knees come apart while moving the arm to the other side.
Use your bottom hand to hold your knees together and keep them stacked on top of one another.
Remember to breathe.
Allow your body to open up.
Hold as directed on your menu.
Switch sides and repeat.
Stretching, no equipment, Egoscue
Kneel down facing away from the wall
Place the top one foot up on the wall with the same knee on the ground as close to the wall as is comfortable
You may want to place a cushion or blanket on the floor under your knee for comfort
Step forward into a lunge position with the other foot keeping the forward knee directly over the ankle and your foot pointed straight ahead
You will feel a stretch on the front of the thigh that is on the wall
Moving the knee of the foot that is on the wall farther away from the wall will decrease the stretch and moving the knee closer to the wall will increase it
The stretch should be comfortable, not painful
Place your hands on the front knee and push your upper body back toward the wall
Relax your shoulders and breathe
Hold as directed on your menu, then switch sides and repeat
Stretching, no equipment, Egoscue
Lie on your back with your legs pointed straight up and against the wall, upper body relaxed with arms out to sides at about 45 degrees and palms facing up feet should be hip width apart.
When getting into this position, get your hips as close as possible to the wall, so once you are in position your butt is also as close as possible to the wall.
If your hips are lifting off the floor then scoot your butt back until you are able to place your hips flat. As you get more functional, your hips will sit closer to the wall and be flat on the floor at the same time.
In this position tighten your thighs and pull ALL of your toes down and back evenly towards your face.
Your feet must be pointed straight(parallel) for your hips to properly do the needed work to stabilize your spine.
Hold as directed on your menu.
This exercise promotes thoracic extension while limiting the rotation ability of the lower load joints.
Stretching, no equipment, Egoscue
Lie on your back with one leg extended and the other leg bent and pulled up toward your chest.
Clasp your hands behind the bent knee.
Keep the foot on the floor pointed straight up toward the ceiling and your thigh muscles relaxed.
Circle the lifted foot one way for the indicated number or repetitions, then reverse direction for the same number of reps.
Make sure the knee stays absolutely still with movement coming from the ankle and not the knee.
For the point/flexes, bring the toes back toward the shin to flex, then reverse the direction to point the foot forward for the indicated number of reps.
Switch legs and repeat.