
Strength, no equipment

Single Leg Bench or Chair Squat

Begin by sitting on a bench or chair and elevate one leg while keeping the other foot, grounded and steady, on the floor.

  1. Place your arms straight out in front of you, and lean slightly forward to transfer your body weight onto your grounded foot.

  2. Using a combination of glute, quadricep, and hamstring strength, lift your body up to standing position. 

  3. Stand strong, briefly, before lowering yourself steadily back to the seated position.

Strength, no equipment

Gluteus Medius Strengthening - glute strength hip extension

Start on all fours with your knees directly under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.

  1. Keep your belly drawn in, shoulders back and down, and your spine in a long line. Place a light (3- to 8-pound) dumbbell in the crook of your left knee. (May be done with our without weights.)

  2. Use the power of your right glute to balance and the power of your left glute to lift up your leg.

  3. Flex your foot and raise your knee up a little higher than your hips. Maintain your balance by distributing your body weight equally over both hands and your lowered knee.

Strength, no equipment

Single Leg Deadlift - hip and glute strength

NOTE: This may be done with our without weights. If you are not able to have dumbbells, or kettlebell, you may use any object of similar size and weight. 2-10lbs. Place one kettlebell on a stool approximately six to twelve inches high. Stand in front and slightly under the stool with the feet a couple of inches apart. Begin a single leg hip hinge by reaching back with one leg and creating a straight line.

Grasp the kettlebell firmly making sure that the shoulder girdle is depresses and retracted. Keep the spine perfectly aligned by engaging the lats and push the static foot into the ground with the big toe and heel. Slowly hip hinge and stand back up with straight arms as the kettlebell move to the sides and the feet come together.

Return the kettlebell to the bottom of the stool by reversing the movement. Repeat this movement for the desired repetitions and then change legs.