meal replacement

Up to 5hrs/week training, Up to 10hrs/week training

Muesli almond milk and banana

Muesli is often likened to granola, but it’s typically a more natural option with less sugar, making it the healthier option of the two. So, why else should you favor this mish-mash first thing in the morning? Here are eight other reasons you should consider this meal replacement option... Lean endurance take;

  • It’s Healthier Than Other Cereals; Sugary cereals and delicacies from your local doughnut shop may be tempting, but they’re full of sugar, and who knows what else.

  • Muesli often has less sugar and fewer calories than pastries and breakfast sandwiches. Plus, since you control your concoction, you can make sure nothing processed or full of sugar makes its way into your meal.

  • It’s High in Fiber and Whole Grains; While it’s hard to gauge exactly how much fiber is in muesli because there are so many different combinations one can make, the dish is typically high in fiber and whole grains — both of which are good for your digestive system. Fiber and whole grains can regulate your digestive tract.

  • You’ll Stay Fuller, Longer; Not only do fiber and whole grains help keep your tummy in check, they’re also filling. You won’t find yourself starving for a doughnut shortly after eating. Additionally, raw oats contain a ton of resistant starch, making muesli an extremely filling breakfast that takes a long time to digest. As the resistant starch is broken down in your stomach, digestive acids that suppress your appetite are released and your metabolism speeds up, so you’ll burn more calories in less time. 

  • It’s Good for Your Heart

  • It’s Satisfying

  • You Can Add Protein…And pretty much whatever else you want! Adding nuts can incorporate protein and omega-3 fatty acids into your breakfast, while other ingredients like fruit can give you a healthy dose of potassium, fiber, vitamin E, C, B-12, and more.

  • You’ll Avoid Eating Something Unhealthy; By choosing muesli as your go-to breakfast, you’ll save yourself from potentially eating something fattening or full of sugar that could damage your health, and your waistline.

    With muesli, you’ll be making a smart breakfast decision that will benefit you all day long.

Up to 5hrs/week training, Up to 10hrs/week training

Pro Bar - Meal Superfood Slam

Made with organic ingredients, this all-natural bar is blended, not baked, to retain the highest level of vital nutrients and preserve taste. Lean endurance take;

  • With over 15 whole foods, these 100% vegan bars combine the tantalizing tastes of whole grain, fruits and nuts for a truly unique flavor experience

  • PROBAR also requires less hydration to break down than other bars because of the perfect balance of protein and sodium

  • Low protein ratio is ideal for lasting endurance; low glycemic-index foods keep insulin spiking to a minimum, preventing fast sugar drops (bonking)

  • Bars make an excellent meal replacement option, providing slow, clean-burning energy throughout the day; combine with fruit or a glass of soy milk

  • Well-balanced fat content with essential fatty acids, poly- and mono-saturated and unsaturated fats helps curb endless food cravings

Up to 10hrs/week training

California roll

A great and quick meal option when you are on the road is sushi in general. This meal replacement has it all, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the perfect blended amounts. Other key benefits;

  • Have brown rice as your base for a slower burn option and to keep you more satiated.

  • White rice can spike blood sugar which depending on your timing of workout and feeling window may be a consideration. For example; after a hard workout chose white rice, if prior to a workout chose brown rice.

  • Sushi is quite filling and overall healthy for you.

Up to 10hrs/week training

Evol - Veggie Burrito

Evol makes healthy choices easy when you dont have time for a full sit down meal. Their burritos and fajitas are an excellent choice when you are time crunched.

  • No antibiotics

  • No artificial colors or flavors

  • cage free eggs

Our Mission is to inspire people to care about where food comes from and how it is produced, by making REAL FOOD that tastes delicious. At Evol, we take ingredients and flavors from our favorite cuisines around the world. Sometimes that means going outside our comfort zone, and sometimes it’s a recipe from our grandmother.