
Up to 5hrs/week training

Healthy trail mix

True, trail mix can be high in fat and sugar. Fat from the nuts and seeds and sugar from the dried fruit and occasional add-ins. HOWEVER! ..your bodies need both fat and sugar to function well as an active human being. It is the QUALITY of the fat and sugar that affect our bodies, not whether or not it’s a part of our diet. good quality homemade trail mix, in moderation is 100% part of a healthy diet. Especially in those circumstances of high physical activity where you need energy, fast. Lean Endurance take;

  • Eating a healthy daily portion size of nuts and dried fruits delivers a nutritious dose of antioxidants, protein, unsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and other vitamins and nutrients essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  • It's fast, it's tasty and easy to make

  • It offers satisfaction to hunger and usable energy for your body.

  • Check out the nutrition label on store-bought trail mix packages to find out what each brand considers a serving size.

  • As with any food, if you make your own instead of buying pre-made trail mix, you'll have a better handle on the ingredients and the resulting nutrition potential.

  • You can try some variations on the basic theme of dried fruit-and-nuts, by adding air-popped popcorn, soy nuts, and puffed rice or toasted oats cereal.

Up to 5hrs/week training

Yogurt Covered Raisins

A little raisin appetizer before your workout may work as well as a sports drink in helping you keep pace and could crank up your fat-burning engines to boot.
In a study, endurance athletes ate either sports gel or 2.5 to 3 ounces of raisins before doing 45 minutes of cycling. Blood samples were collected before and during their workouts. The raisin eaters had no problem keeping pace with the gel takers and had higher blood levels of free fatty acids. Translation: Raisins revved up their metabolisms to burn more fat. Lean endurance take;

  • Despite their small size, raisins are packed with energy and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

  • Raisins are naturally sweet and high in sugar and calories, but they're beneficial to our health when eaten in moderation.

  • Raisins can aid digestion, boost iron levels, and keep your bones strong.

  • Some athletes may rely solely on raisins instead of sports gels to fuel their muscles before and during a workout.

Up to 10hrs/week training, 10+hrs/week training, Up to 5hrs/week training

Oatmeal Raisin Energy Balls

These Oatmeal Raisin Energy Bites are the perfect healthier treat when you’re craving an oatmeal raisin cookie. They are gluten free, refined sugar free and require less than 5 minutes of prep time. The best part is how easy they are to customize with whatever ingredients you like or have in your pantry. Lean endurance take;

  • A tasty snack that will help give you energy for your afternoon work schedule or pre workout

  • Excellent sustained energy for longer sessions due to the slow release of the oats and almond butter.

  • Perfect for longer days of activity or bigger weeks of exercise.

  • High in fiber which can aid in achieving healthy weight.