Yogurt Covered Raisins

Up to 5hrs/week training

Yogurt Covered Raisins

A little raisin appetizer before your workout may work as well as a sports drink in helping you keep pace and could crank up your fat-burning engines to boot.
In a study, endurance athletes ate either sports gel or 2.5 to 3 ounces of raisins before doing 45 minutes of cycling. Blood samples were collected before and during their workouts. The raisin eaters had no problem keeping pace with the gel takers and had higher blood levels of free fatty acids. Translation: Raisins revved up their metabolisms to burn more fat. Lean endurance take;

  • Despite their small size, raisins are packed with energy and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

  • Raisins are naturally sweet and high in sugar and calories, but they're beneficial to our health when eaten in moderation.

  • Raisins can aid digestion, boost iron levels, and keep your bones strong.

  • Some athletes may rely solely on raisins instead of sports gels to fuel their muscles before and during a workout.