Mentorship team coaching payment
Our mentorship team is designed for those athletes who need a customized training plan, group contact online with a Tristar Coach, and have a customized plan based on their goals and abilities. It is another great option to our ELITE team.

Additional Info
Consistency in Tristar training leads to longer term results and goal attainment. Additional coaching months commitment will also be a lower price point for monthly coaching services. The mentorship team meets weekly and communicates on Facebook live to cover training, racing, nutrition, data analysis and to answer questions you may have.
Your custom plan workouts sync with your training devices created by your Tristar Athletes coach. Be directed through each session, “run for 2 minutes at 8:00min/mi”, “hold your heart rate at 150 beats per minute for the next 10 minutes.” “Slow down!…. Speed up!.”
Access to Tristar Athletes raceday meal planning decision support system for your key events as well as daily meal planning and macro nutrient advice as part of our Lean Endurance nutrition program. Manage energy, lose weight, and get stronger with your nutrition.
Get sponsored by Tristar Athletes and our training partners when you sign up.
“I have been working with Coach Kyle since the fall of 2019. On short notice, he helped my prep for the Chicago Marathon and best my personal goal. “
— Luke Jennings