Maine 70.3


★★★Half Ironman TriStar Athletes - TSS projections based on intended bike split

This chart allows you to determine the total training stress and intensity needed for your upcoming half ironman race.  The higher your FTP, the faster you split and therefore higher your target intensity factor should be.  You should start with the estimated bike split first, then review your hardest rides to make sure you have done rides of this training stress (TSS) and then look to find the  corresponding intensity factor or (.IF).

Video data review - understanding the TSS pace chart in context with a race output - Tristar Athletes Peter Ekvall's data reviewed at the Maine 70.3

CTL, Half Ironman

Maine 70.3 Triathlon Run Training and how it relates to CTL - Commentary with TSA Peter Ekvall

Dr... So if I focus on CTL for a moment and look at the CTL in a "last 6 months" perspective..
My CYCLING CTL performance been constantly improving ("big bump" up during Tristar LP week...)... WHILE my RUNNING CTL performance been doing the opposite... with my two "bumps" taking place in March and April which was when my "pure" 10K and 13.2M took place....

My RUN CTL was a peak at 43 in March..  and end of April bumped up to a 40..  but now just a 28....

What is going on..??  Please provide some (further) insight please DR..