Athlete Bio
Age: M35-39
Geography: Tristar Athletes Canada
Country and state: Canada, Bathurst, New Brunswick
Fun facts: Marc recently purchased a sweet sprinter van to drive to races and training sites. We are ALL very jealous here at Tristar of the sweet new rig which can fit comfortably all Marc’s bikes and entourage ; ).
Marc, has a great sense of humor and perspective when it comes to life and training in general. He joined our team in 2014 and has been on an upward progression ever since.
Bio, goals and races, tactics: Marc, will be racing Ironman Mont Tremblant this year and has already had a fantastic season in 2019 wracking up new PR’s at the 70.3 distance (4:27) and personal best at the half marathon. (1:29)
Marc is great about getting out to training camps in the winter which have been a booster stage to his rocket when he needs it most. Timing big bike training for pre season performances.
Marc has been working on his run big time and uses run power to dial in his intervals and pacing in training.
Winter training camps have been carefully inserted into his training blocks to help boost fitness when he needs its most.
Marc is “prolific” with regards to his indoor setup and approach to bike training indoors. Using a Wahoo Kicrk/Zwift setup has helped him gain an edge coming out of the winter months and keeping sharp.
No Fear; Marc is one of our top level AG athletes and races HARD. He can go to the “hurt locker” and keep his hand in the flame for a long time which has been huge towards his break through performances.
Part of our inaugural Redondo Beach training camp in February 2018
A team roll model for how to get faster in triathlon.
Cyclocross; Marc rides his bike in the fall training for cross races which helps to maintain his overall fitness level, fun factor training and continuously raising his FTP power.
ELITE Tristar Athletes team member.
“Training plan-for success” - Coaching Marc