Ironman, Pacing

How much faster can I ride? Answer? Not much!

Tristar Athlete when It comes to mastering the art of riding and running in concert, riding harder has major consequences as to how successful you will be able to run off the bike.

In this coaches corner below we show you the net cost for riding slightly harder and how it impacts your run split based on intensity factor and power output.


The example athlete below is preparing for a a flat ironman race at the intermediate level. We presented him with three power based plan options to demonstrate the costs associated with riding harder vs running faster.

To further prove the point, below for each athlete ability we have charted the faster, at goal or slower time predicted marathon based on how hard you ride your next ironman race. Note that we are giving estimates for long course triathlon however the same concepts hold true for half ironman and olympic distance racing.

Minutes faster (-) or slower (+) for and Ironman marathon based on how you bike

Marathon split slower or faster by minutes based on IF of bike split

Perhaps your numbers did check out and you rode to the proper intensity factor but were not able to hit your run goals? There are many other contributing factors however learn more about variability index and how this can also play into your run split performance.

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