Athlete Resources

★★★ Tapering and race prep from two weeks out

Tristar Athlete, one of the most important sequences you will need to be carefully monitoring is your taper before your peak races. Our coaches discuss the best approach based on your training ability as a beginner, intermediate and advanced endurance athlete starting two weeks out from raceday.

Scope of a taper

The purpose of the taper is to shed cumulative fatigue in the body while at the same time brining the body into peak form. To accomplish this your coach will be fine tuning your training sessions so that total training volume (TSS) goes down, while training stress balance (TSB) goes up and timed right up to your race. The goal should be to give up a little fitness to gain freshness for raceday.

Using the performance management chart we have a quantified approach as to how much to taper so you don’t back off too much and peak too soon and so that you are also fresh enough on raceday and not overly fatigued. Below are Tristar Atheltes guidelines for how to plan and feel -14 days out…

Training Stress Balance as you taper - The performance management chart (PMC)

The training stress balance you should be maintaining through your taper

Meet the Coaches setting your taper

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