What is motivation? How do we find it? Why do we need it? What happens when we cannot get motivated?! In this Coaches Corner our team dives into the topic of motivation and how to keep yourself moving in the right direction towards your personal health and fitness goals.
Taking a high-quality personality test can have a range of benefits for you as an athlete and help your Tristar coaches in your training development. It helps you as an athlete to prepare for your goal/race and provides our coaches with the necessary insights to make the right coaching choices to develop your training plan and take it to the next level!
During training you will find that being “training flexible” can help to move you forward in your plan when static weekly training seems too rigid. Note that Tristar plans are adaptive and changing constantly, however we have found the following options to be super helpful for near year round performance.
As an athlete self doubt is a normal feeling and is actually “business as usual” to us as coaches. We know pushing your limits, finding your “why” and being consistent is hard work. Its only natural that time to time you feel anxiety about your training and racing performances. Our coaches have put together this write up for you to remove the emotion and be logical about where you are, where you stand and how to find confidence.