Athlete Resources

★★★ Why was a session bad? Good? Neutral?!

 Diagnostically training can go one of three ways, which way did it go today? Learn below how to self analyze and improve ✅

Good 👍

-You felt good, better than “normal”

-Completed the session as directed (TSS, IF, ❤️, RPE) 

-Energy levels were good. 

-No pains and you feel “invigorated afterwards”  

Neutral 🤙

-Mixed output, training about normal or same as “usual”

-You felt “ok” sometimes good sometimes not.

-You were within ~10% of

the stated goals.  (TSS, IF, ❤️, RPE)

-nutrition and or energy levels were slightly off. 

-Some good soreness some bad pain.  

Bad 👎

-Training was worse than “usual”

-You were unable to complete the session as it was laid out or goals. (TSS, IF, ❤️, RPE)

-Energy levels were low and or nutrition was off. 

-Muscles were sore or painful. 

-You were more than 20% off

the suggested targets. 



Self analysis and how to improve ✅


  • Review your total life stress and training stress balance (-TSB)

  • Are you getting enough sleep? (Learn more about rest days)

  • Are you eating enough?

  • Have you raced hard within the past 7-20 days?

  • Did you go off the reservation and D.Y.O.T “do your own thing?!”

  • Have you been chronically fatigued?

  • Are you just restarting? …Keep in mind training you have done the past 40 days will still be impacting your fatigue levels. (See your season plan and PMC, or performance management chart)


  • Was your intensity factor, TSS, VI higher or lower than you thought? Learn more about all trackable training peaks metrics we as coaches use here at Tristar Athletes.

  • Did you notice a higher than normal heart rate response to the session? Did you give more heart rate recently than was expected? (i.e. aerobic decoupling)


  • Are you craving sweets? This may be a sign your intensity is too great.

  • Are you waking up at night with “sweats” due to eating before bed or drinking fluids?

  • Are you eating enough carbohydrates? Low carb diets will cause energy depletion for most endurance athletes.

  • Were overly cold or hot during the session?

  • Did you drink enough water?

  • Did you take in enough electrolytes?


  • Is this a one off event or part of a weekly or monthly trend? More than a week and more recovery time is needed. (More about rest days)

  • Its ok to “underperform”. Recognize that the body is far from the perfect machine and will compress training and other variables at different rates. Often times you are growing the most when you are training on fatigue and not when you feel like a million bucks!