Athlete Bio
Age: F35-39
Geography: Tristar Athletes Northwest
Country and state: USA, Walnut Creek CA
Fun fact: “… I am a mom to Cooper (6), married to Kent. I am a Critical Care Nurse working in the Cardiology Dept. at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek. I am ultra competitive person even though in triathlon I am a back of the packer. haha I have tried every sport under the sun as a child, and did well in most of them. Swimming is my happy place, and running is the death of me.”
Bio, goals and races: “ Become a more efficient and faster runner. Eventually I would like to take on longer Open Water Swim events and also complete an Ironman (maybe by the time I'm 40 in 2021?)”. Angela is signed up for this years Santa Cruz 70.3 and will use this as training towards her nice big race goals.
I have lost around 100 lbs in the last 3 years. I started running local 5ks 3 years ago, and loved the adrenaline and training that came with trying to accomplish something bigger and better. My first 5k I could not even run the whole thing. My only goal was to complete it in under 45 minutes. This passion has grown to longer races and eventually triathlon. I completed my first spirit and olympic distance triathlons in 2018. And hoping to complete my first 70.3 in 2019 and 140.6 in 2021.”
I'm just taking it all in and doing what Megan tells me. I am a good rule follower and want to be better. Having the help of Coach Megan is priceless. We have been working on nutrition and race day tactics for the 70.3 coming up. I would like to recomp after this race and tighten up my nutrition and also improve my running speed. I want to learn to like running.
Your favorite training, camp or racing memory: Completing my first olympic distance tri in Oakland in 2018 with my local tri friends. We had a group of 10 that trained for 6 months and then completed the race. We had an after race party to celebrate the culmination of our triathlon season. Also at this race, I made a friend on the run that pushed me through the run. I have never ran a stand alone 10k, let alone after swimming and biking. She helped get me through that run. I was proud I didn't stop once to walk! We have remained friends since the event. Triathlon is amazing in this way!
Other : I would like to help more people get into triathlon, especially women. I am trying to foster community with a local tri group I train with in the Walnut Creek/Concord, CA area. I like being around smart, successful, fun, and strong people in sport. It is all inspiring and motivating! I love the triathlon community.
MENTORSHIP team member.
“Training plan-for success” - Angela’s recent fire power for racing