Tristar Athletes are now an official Ironman club and if you are racing an Ironman event this season please register so that we can collect points towards team competition. Here are some of the benefits to the program and how to get started. Lets compete with the best clubs in the nation and world!
Triclub Community Benefits
Early Entry; our team races we will receive early entry and at the lowest tiered price. *You must have an Ironman account to receive these benefits.
On site competition; We race to stand on the podium! With the Ironman AGR points system, Tristar registered athletes will earn points towards our teams chance to take home the title at each event.
Championship Events; By registering the team is able to race at regional TriClub championship events.
Global Rankings; The IRONMAN TriClub program will rank our team where we will be competing to be the fastest within our division and drive points towards our team achievements.
Triclub Vilage; The TriClub village provides our team with the opportunity to get right amongst the action on race day and create a meeting area for all our Tristar Team members.
*NOTE: Pease create a new Ironman account using your email address.