Strength, GYM

Dumbell Lunge- quad dominant & Glutes

Starting position

  1. Stand with feet together, holding a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms by your sides.


  1. Inhale as you take a large step forward with one leg, landing on your heel first and then lowering your forefoot.

  2. At the same time, keeping your torso upright, lower your body until the knee of your supporting leg almost touches the floor.

  3. Exhale as you drive back up with your heel and step back into the starting position.

  4. Repeat with your opposite leg.

  5. Keep alternating the leg with which you lunge.

  6. Do not let the knee travel past the toes when in the crouched position.

Comments and tips

  • Keep your torso upright, and your head, feet, and knees facing forward.

  • The motions should be done SLOW and in control!

  • Keep the dumbbells by your sides or a little behind you, which can help with balance.

  • As you lower yourself into a kneeling position, do not allow your front knee to move in front of your toes.

  • The larger your lunge, the more emphasis you will place on your gluteus maximus instead of your quadriceps.

  • The dumbbell lunge is a very beneficial exercise that helps you to develop balance, coordination, and the unilateral (one-sided) functional strength of your lower body.

*Alternate without Equipment - This may be done without dumbbells though the resistance will be less.