What our coaches say about this course
“A long 116 mile bike and “buzz saw” run makes this course formidable if you don’t have the proper plan and raceday strategy. Our key bike sessions most remember when preparing for this course in their training peaks plan.... we build up lots of firepower on the bike in training only to not use it in favor of unleashing efforts on the run. We LOVE this course as our Tristar plan includes a sound raceday strategy prepared by our TSA level III coaches that beats out the competition. We find pacing so crucial to both the bike and run that we have been able to have our athletes consistently beat “fitter” athletes based on pacing intelligence. Ask your Tristar coach about our proprietary pacing calculator for this race when registering for this plan and coaching.”
Coaching Plan Overview
Ironman Chattanooga course specific coaching plan made for you and your goals.
Custom dialed in daily workouts and season plan overview designed by our Tristar certified coaches.
Tristar video and audio reviews of the training block phase and how it relates to the course dynamics. Training peaks sessions designed for peak performance. (Export to all devices)
Raceday course overview and pacing strategy.
select coaching options

A quick all around type of day in Wilmington. The point to point swim is fast with the current and a generous flat course on the bike where every "hill" rewards you with a bit of break from the flatter sections. The time of year also cooler and less humid tends to make the run equally faster and pleasurable. Our team of coaches have put together plan prep that is ideal for this course with specific bike training stress as well as run specific repeats to make you finish strong with a smile. Get ready to go fast and achieve your quest for that elusive 70.3 PR! —Cliff Scherb, TSA Level III Coach
What our coaches say about the course
Formerly Rev3 Virginia, this Ironman event will feature similar course and dynamics to the Rev event. The Chickahominy river is with the current and gets athletes out and onto the bike in a faster than usual time. We designed your course specific sessions (customized to your ability) to feature bricks that take you riding sustained uphill efforts in the aerobars similar to what you will see in Charles County. The run workouts will leave you confident as we teach you are high cadence rhythm method. Get started with your custom Virginia 70.3 plan. —Adam Daniels, TSA Level II Coach
Going big in the BIG easy! We prepare our athlete with a plan that introduces course specific intervals for your ability to ride a flat and fast course. We have specific long ride prep for the two loop bike course that forces you to pace early and be able to unload onto the run and down "stars & Stripes BLVD."! Total training stress we will be crafted for you individual goals whether your first New Orleans 70.3 or hunting for a worlds podium spot. With the race being later in the year, temperatures can also be warm and our heat "acclamation" protocol will help you adjust to the humid conditions. —Adam Daniels, TSA Level III Coach
What our coaches say about this course
This race is flat and fast where athletes need to watch their nutrition and hydration. "Specificity" is the best word to describe the exact work you will need to do in this training plan to succeed. We dial it in using aerobar hill repeats to generate strength through trainer ride intervals as well as outdoor sessions with hills to work the legs. ...Keeping a high output is key to this flat course and this plan features a ton of just that!This race is flat and fast where athletes need to watch their nutrition and hydration. "Specificity" is the best word to describe the exact work you will need to do in this training plan to succeed. We dial it in using aerobar hill repeats to generate strength through trainer ride intervals as well as outdoor sessions with hills to work the legs. ...Keeping a high output is key to this flat course and this plan features a ton of just that! —Cliff Scherb, TSA Level III Coach
With a flat and fast run, the strategy relies on how to tackle the bike and just how much to "give". The Augusta specific plan includes our bike pacing calculator to dial in your training sessions that will help you run your best off the bike. We calculate your ability and training stress you can handle from now until Raceday knowing that August presents a hilly ride, point to point swim and flat run. All bike sessions can be exported to your device and used with Zwift. —Cliff Scherb, TSA Level III Coach
What our coaches say about the course
One of our top pics in the Deep South to race, this course has a bit of everything in it. The point to point swim with the current makes the day go quick and the long low rollers are fun to punch up and over on the bike course. The run is challenging but not as much as its big brother Ironman Chattanooga. For this training plan we built in proper training stress (TSS) for a more challenging bike, and low grade hill repeats in the final build block to strengthen your overall run finish for raceday. —Haluk Sarci, TSA Level II Coach
Flat and very fast this course demands consistent big ring work for advanced athletes and raw stamina for newer athletes to the distance. We customize this course specific plan with your coach to make sure you can hack the heat and with sessions that simulate flat conditions. Included in this TSA plan is open water swim practice that can also be done in the pool ; ). —Cliff Scherb, TSA Level III Coach
Kyle is an All-American triathlete looking to shift his focus towards coaching and helping other triathletes realize their potential, physically and mentally. He knows the impact an informed and empathetic coach can have an an individual’s life, and hopes to have a similar impact on the lives of others he will coach.
As the adage goes, there is no ”I” in team and I want to join your team, helping get you to the start and finish lines of your races. I enjoy creating individualized training plans that reward discipline and consistency as well as providing experienced guidance to achieve your goals." —Coach Suzanne Turner
"Consistency trumps 'big days'. Continuously making deposits in the fitness bank, as small as they may sometimes seem, will make a big withdrawal on race day that much more manageable. That said, every so often 'life happens' and some course-correction is inevitable - that's where the TriStar coaching approach, backed by science and experience, is guaranteed to make a difference." —Coach Attila Kelemen
Adam Daniels is a coach, ultra runner and triathlete based in Boulder, CO. Adam developed his passion for triathlon after many years as a runner and much encouragement from his peers to give it a “tri”. After suffering an injury, Adam started swimming and biking to satisfy his need for an active lifestyle. “It was a much needed break from the thousands of running miles logged training and racing. I developed a whole new competitive drive”. So Adam set out to take on the triathlon world.
Cliff Scherb – Internet endurance consultant is an active triathlete and head of the TriStar Athletes North American and Global Teams. As the founder and principal coach of TriStar Athletes LLC, he works with the ELITE and MENTORSHIP teams to help athletes, balance training stress, nutrition, and peak for top performances. Coaching for 15+ years with over 250+ life years of coaching experience, Cliff imparts this knowledge to aspiring athletes and coaches.
Haluk has been helping elite athletes achieve their maximum potential for over fifteen years. Haluk is excited to be part of the TriStar coaching team, bringing a wealth of racing and coaching experience to all of his athletes.