
Up to 10hrs/week training, Up to 5hrs/week training

Thai Curry Tofu Over Sweet Potatoes

“Tofu and vegetables take a bath in just enough coconut milk to coat them with Thai flavors for an exotic and easy stir-fry. Steamed, diced sweet potatoes stand in for white rice, giving you a fiber-rich, slightly sweet base to soak up the sauce. Enjoy beneficial nutrients like 40% of your daily iron and 11 grams of fiber, while employing a cheap source of protein in tofu.”

Lean endurance benefits;

  • It is especially important for athletes because exercise produces free radicals and an excess of free radicals can damage cells

  • When eaten with the skin on, a sweetpotato provides 100% of the daily recommended value of vitamin A, which plays a vital role in vision, bone development and immune function

  • Complex Carbohydrates – Sweetpotatoes are made up of complex carbs – long chains of sugar molecules (polysaccharides). When eaten, carbohydrates break down into glucose (sugar) – the body’s main energy source.

  • Research has shown that some of the vitamins and minerals found in sweetpotatoes are especially important in athletes’ diets – these include iron and vitamin C