Race Nutrition, Triathlon

Racing with a high blood sugar in Triathlon and how it effects energy output

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Hi Brett, please find my thoughts in line to yours below in bold 🙌  ~Cliff


On Aug 26, 2018, at 12:49 PM, Brett wrote:

Hey Cliff,
Hope you had a great weekend…thanks Brett, was a good and fit one ; ) …….. Ok the most important report is that of Gavin. He had a blast and is super excited to continue doing Triathlons. Talking about how is going to spend my entire retirement stash on his new race gear….love love this.  He is so into it and loves seeing his daddy race!….. So proud he was able to complete the whole course and proud Dad just finished a few minutes before him so I was able to give him a huge hug as he crossed the finish line…..you will both remember this forever.
As for me, this was a tough one. Pre race was difficult on the BG. Woke up with a 145 and ate and had normal coverage with Fiasp. Two hours later I was hearing my urgent low warning. I am now putting down tons of carbs so I prevent a drop in the water…you have to really watch it with fiasp and the timing.  IT works “hard” in the first 60min then backs off quite some at up to 90min…... But at least I had my basal turned off. As for the swim, I can see my swim getting slower and slower. This was wetsuit legal and I seem to have lost quite a bit of speed with a time of almost 50 min…….we are limited with the arms somewhat and the pain.  For now we keep the expectations in check with the swim speed... I was also having more pain on the swim. No BG in transition as it phone wasn’t picking up Dexcom and didn’t have test strips in transition ( not the best organization due to big thunderstorms before start), so I downed a GU in the first couple miles of ride for good measure(better high than low).  Out on ride legs felt really tired from 5 hr ride the day before and this was anything but flat. With that I was pretty happy with the ride. Everything was pretty much either uphill or downhill, only flat ish stretch was into a headwind. And could really feel the difference of aero on road bike….yes much slower!….. Ended with a BG around 230 and I could tell….this is all fiasp timing…you will see that it works quickly and exits quickly…. If you want to use it in the future we should discuss the timing ; ) ……. Seems like I get a bit of abd discomfort when racing with a high BG Tough day but learned quite a bit. …high bg is not always bad from an race output perspective - sometimes you can race with a high BG and still be able to “go”.  It all depends on how hard you need to put out an effort and what your body is calling for.  Example; If you are going at low intensity, then fat burning from the body will give you enough energy.  If you are going RPE “6” on a scale from 1-10 or more this would be considered carbohydrate glycogen energy and harder to access without enough insulin.  Think of the “fuel” trapped in the blood and not allowing glucose into the cells.   If you are also continuing to consume glucose at this time and taking on more insulin as well the output and energy can stay strong.  If you don’t have enough insulin on board your output will feel flat!     A day of learning for sure and good to have these experiences and most importantly have a great time with your son.  Congrats on the weekends efforts Brett!  ~Cliff


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