
★★★ Watts Per Kilo and Cycling

Becoming a better cyclist and improving your speed potential as an athlete can be enhanced by working on your power to weight ratio or “watts per kilo”.

Below we have included our watts per kilo calculator where you can enter in your current FTP and body weight to see how losing weight and raising your FTP can help to improve your cycling ability. The sheet will dynamically change to show you your athletic potential. The chart also shows with proper timing and consistency in training how long it could take to achieve an improved watts per kilo and higher level of cycling ability. (Note for some this may take shorter or long)

Chart Steps

-If you are viewing this on your phone please rotate horizontally.

-Double tap the red text and enter in your FTP and weight into the cells.

-Your table will change and match to the color of your current ability. (See chart beneath the table to the corresponding levels of cycling)

-Your coach will help guide you towards optimal training and nutrition in your plan to achieve your goals, Voila!

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Watts Per Kilo for Men and Woman Cyclists

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